Trigeneration in Prague Gas Distribution Company in Michle
In the area of Pražská plynárenská a.s. in Prague 4 – Michle, a modern gas technology – trigeneration – has been in operation since 1997. Trigeneration is actually a direct connection between a cogeneration unit and an absorption cooler. The heat from cogeneration can then be used not only for heating or heating, but it is also possible to produce chilled water, most often for air conditioning the building in the summer.
Originally, a cogeneration unit with a Waukesha F18GLD engine with an output of 260 kWe and 360 kWt and an absorption cooler Carrier 16JB with a cooling capacity of 200 kW were originally installed.
In 2015, the cogeneration unit was modernized. The original Waukesha engine was replaced by a modern MAN engine and the electric power was increased to 350 kWe. The absorption cooler has been retained.
Electrical power output 350 kW; Thermal output 450 kW; Cooling output 200 kW